Estimando la ecuación de gravedad con el número real de empresas exportadoras
Asier Minondo
Deusto Business School, University of Deusto. Camino de Mundaiz, 50; 20012 San Sebastian
Francisco Requena
Universidad de Valencia
To estimate correctly the effect of variable trade costs on firms' exports, the gravity equation should control for the number of firms that participate in foreign markets. Due to the absence of these data, previous studies control for this omitted variable using econometric strategies that may also lead to inconsistent estimates. To overcome this problem the present paper estimates a gravity equation using a new database compiled by the OECD and Euro stat that reports the number of exporting firms by reporter and partner country. We show that not controlling for the extensive margin of trade introduces very serious biases in the estimated trade cost coefficients.
Gravity equation, exporting firms, distance, trade costs, OECD
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