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Diretrizes para Autores
Initial Manuscript Submission
Submission of papers as electronic manuscripts in Word format is encouraged. Submit manuscriptshere.
There is no submission, editing, or publication charge.
Manuscript Style
Papers should be written in English or Spanish. The articles approved will be published in the original language. All submitted manuscripts should be typed on one side, with wide margins and double spaced.
The first page must include the following information: paper title should come with lowercase letters, name, address and affiliation of the author(s) and a summary of no more than 100 words. Include the JEL classification and up to five keywords that describe your paper for indexing purposes.
Footnotes should be the fewest possible in quantity and extension. They must be numbered in serial order. Please avoid formulas in footnotes.
Equations should be numbered in consecutive order. When the derivation of a formula has been condensed, an additional page should be included with a full derivation.
Tables and graphs should be numbered and should include all the information needed for interpretation as well as the data sources. If the manuscript is accepted, Tables and Figures should be editable, and the authors must provide the information required to replicate them. Using images for Tables should be avoided.
References should be quoted in the text as follows: Hirshleifer (1958). Where three or more authors are listed in the reference list, please cite in the text as: Judge et al. (1985). The author is responsible for the existence of a perfect correspondence between names and year of the reference and what appear in the section of references.
References should listed at the end of the paper alphabetically in the following style:
Hirshleifer, J. (1958). "On the Theory of Optimal Investment Decisions", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 56; 279-394.
Judge G., W. Griffiths, R.Carter, H. Lutkepohl, and T. Lee. (1985). The Theory and Practice of Econometrics. 2nd edition. John Wiley.
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Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.