The present paper analyzes the words of Mapuche language used in the Histórica Relación del Reino de Chile (1646), a work of the Chilean Alonso de Ovalle. We focus our attention on the survival of these words in current Spanish. For this purpose three lexicographic works published in the last eight years have been consulted: the Diccionario de americanismos (2010), the Spanish Diccionario usual del español de Chile (2010) and the Diccionario de la Lengua Española (2014). Although Ovalle employs other Indo-Americanisms, an aspect that we also deal with, most are words of Mapuche and Quechua. This study aims to contribute to alleviate a gap present in linguistic research on the Ovalle´s chronicle.
mapuchisms, Alonso de Ovalle, Histórica Relación del Reino de Chile, americanisms
Gómez-Pablos, B. (2018). Words oF Mapuche origin in the work of the chilean chronicler Alonso de Ovalle and their survival in current spanisch. Boletín De Filología, 53(1), pp. 109–130. Retrieved from