At the outset, this paper addresses the advances achieved in the human rights protection systems and in Latin American legislations with regard to discrimination due on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. The paper also analyzes the elements of universal equality, in particular relating to sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as three challenges faced in establishing this construction. First, the article reviews the notion and limitations that modernity has placed on the concept of “man”, which have, throughout history, allowed various kinds of discrimination against certain groups. Second, the limitations of legal discourse, as well as its political dimension (despite its sometimes neutral appearance), surface when dealing with topics related to discrimination due to sexual orientation. Third, the article focuses on the importance that arguments based on naturalism have had in the treatment of judicial decisions on cases related to homosexuals, transexuals or transvestites rights holders. To conclude, the article suggests that the road to be taken should move from a prism of pathology to one in which the autonomy of individuals is recognized.
Discrimination, sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender, Rancière
Author Biography
Paula Viturro Mac Donald, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Es Abogada por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Diploma en Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres por el Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Chile, Máster en Teorías Críticas del Derecho y la Democracia en Iberoamérica por la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía y Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Derechos Humanos y Desarrollo de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España. Es docente e investigadora del Departamento de Filosofía de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, y coordinadora del Área de Tecnologías del Género del Centro Cultural Rector Ricardo Rojas de la misma universidad.
Viturro Mac Donald, P. (2013). The revolution of ´those who have no part’: an approach to the debate regarding sexual orientation, gender identity and discrimination. Anuario De Derechos Humanos, (9), pág. 43–59.