Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
<p>Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho (RPUDD) is a fully peer-reviewed international scientific electronic journal whose mission is to promote and debate higher education teaching and pedagogy of law favouring multidisciplinary approaches. The aim of the journal is to contribute strengthening law teaching and pedagogy of law as a research topic through the dissemination of the study of legal profession, law teaching, innovative teaching practices, and the analysis of the curriculum in the context of higher education pedagogy. The journal also receives articles discussing general topics on higher education reform and policies.</p>Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Derechoes-ESRevista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho0719-5885<p>Revista de Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho is edited by Unidad de Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho, School of Law, Universidad de Chile and is published under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.</p> <p><a style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;" href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Licencia Creative Commons"></a> </p>The production of media transforming legal learning
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">This article is part of a master’s thesis that aims to understand the potential and limitations of building knowledge in law courses through through the cooperative creation of media by students. A qualitative <span class="rynqvb">approach with a descriptive-explanatory design was adopted. </span>Although several studies demonstrate the effectiveness of using Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching and learning process, the differential of the developed research was to investigate the production of media in the context of legal education, seeking to reveal whether it is an effective alternative to promote the integration of students in the construction of their knowledge, contributing to their learning, as well as improving their ability to communicate and to critically and reflexively analyze legal norms. Data analysis indicated that the cooperative creation of media contributed to the teaching and learning process, by improving the ability to critically and reflectively evaluate legal content and the skills described in the National Curriculum Guidelines for Law Courses, <span class="rynqvb">related to reading and understanding texts, ability to communicate accurately, work in groups and use new</span> <span class="rynqvb">technologies.</span></span></p>José Eduardo Lima LourenciniMonica Fürkotter
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2025-01-032025-01-0311212010.5354/0719-5885.2024.75955Socratical prompts: A proposal for pedagogical use in a Philosophy of Law course
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">This paper explores the possibility of using the Socratic method of questions and answers as a model for the formulation of prompts of higher conceptual performance in the use of the GPT-3 chat on the occasion of a typical question of the philosophy of law courses: what is justice? To develop the exercise, the arguments and counter-arguments offered by Thrasymachus and Socrates in book I of Plato's <em>Republic</em> are reviewed. The article aims to show, on the one hand, how the formulation of philosophically sophisticated questions improves the chat user experience and, on the other hand, how the nature of these questions and their object also point out the limits of <a name="_Hlk185332688"></a>artificial intelligence. </span></p>Johann Sebastian Benfeld
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-28112213810.5354/0719-5885.2024.73547Teaching of notarial law through virtual campuses from a constructivist approach in semi-face-to-face education
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">Notarial law is the autonomous branch of public law that is responsible for studying the notarial institution and the theory of the public instrument, which highlights within its content, the analysis of the essential functions of the notary, the elements of public faith, notarial responsibility, and the rules for the preparation of public documents. Due to the precision of the topics addressed, the teaching of notarial law within the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Querétaro has historically developed from in-person attendance and the use of traditional educational strategies; however, it is noted that currently, it is advisable to implement innovative didactics that are consistent with the new technologies available to us and the needs reflected by the students who have ventured into bimodal education. In this sense, the hypothesis that this author supports in this work lies in the need to use virtual campuses in the teaching of notarial law from a constructivist approach in blended education, which will allow active participation using resources and digital tools, placing the student at the center of the teaching-learning process.</span></p>Florencia Aurora Ledesma Lois
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-28112395410.5354/0719-5885.2024.72714Artificial intelligence in Law schools through automatic response generators
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">The current university context is no stranger to the technological advances that exist from artificial intelligence, in particular to the generators of automatic responses through written media. For this reason, in law schools, the debate regarding the scope of human intelligence about artificial intelligence has become relevant. In relation to this debate, the levels of knowledge that are generally taught to law students have been taken up and are organized into four categories: description, procedure, argumentation, and strategy. Although this knowledge has been developed over time in the training of lawyers, it is necessary to evaluate it based on advances in artificial intelligence. Thus, it is proposed how to link artificial intelligence as a pedagogical means in law schools and curricular transformations in legal education are privileged.</span></p>Juan Sebastián Perilla Granados
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-28112557010.5354/0719-5885.2024.72696Innovate and be disruptive in the classroom? Three strategies for the teaching learning of legal argumentation
<p>Harvard and Stanford universities were not afraid to innovate in the teaching-learning of law decades ago (Pérez, 2018). The most outstanding thing is that they did it when no one was betting on the power of traditional, rote and reproductionist teaching-learning of the law. Law schools and professors cannot anchor ourselves in the past. This paper presents three innovative and disruptive strategies for the teaching-learning of the subject of Legal Argumentation developed in a formal course at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) located in Mexico. They correspond to an exploratory and descriptive study in which a qualitative methodology was used in the context of school ethnography. Participant observation was used to collect data. The epistemological support to document this teaching practice was the work of Elgueta and Palma (2021), since it is urgent to reflect on it and try to transform it in search of better learning. The three strategies documented here become relevant not only because of their disruptive nature, but also because they seek to strengthen some argumentative skills in students that they could put into practice in the future as legal professionals.</p>Hugo Manuel Camarillo Hinojoza
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-28112718810.5354/0719-5885.2024.73455Evaluation of the sanctioning power in Autonomous Public Universities in Mexico
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">The sanctioning power of the Autonomous Public Universities in Mexico is justified when they generate regulatory devices that allow them to self-regulate and self-govern, therefore, they are legitimized to impose sanctions for non-compliance with standards established in their regulations. Therefore, this research identified if the hypothesis proposed is true, that is, if there is a university sanctioning power over students and how it can be subject or limited regarding the right to education. To this end, a questionnaire with five questions was designed and sent to thirty-five geographically representative autonomous public universities in Mexico. It was analyzed whether these institutions had a code of conduct and a sanctioning regulation. In addition, information on sanctioning processes for students was collected for ten years, dividing the results into two blocks. In the first block, the existence of codes of conduct and sanctioning regulations was evaluated, while in the second, the number of sanctioning processes, sanctioned students, firm sanctions, and sanctions appealed for human rights violations was analyzed, identifying the universities with the highest and fewer sanctions and discovering good practices in the construction of codes of conduct.</span></p>Eva Grissel Castro Coria
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-281128910610.5354/0719-5885.2024.73451Some trends on evaluation in law
<p>The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evaluation trends in law, based on the research disseminated in the Scopus database between 2020 and 2024. The following categories have been identified and interpreted: methodological strategies for evaluation, types of evaluation, online or virtual, specific evaluation instruments, and challenges associated with the evaluative process. These aspects emphasize the coherence between the evaluation and the methodological strategies, the types of evaluation instruments that evidence the achievement or performance of the competencies of the students, as well as the situations or needs of the context regarding the beginning of the evaluation so that it allows the student to approach the real or concrete legal practice.</p>Hugo Augencio González Aguilar
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811210712410.5354/0719-5885.2024.73793Teaching about the elderly: The experience from the view of law schools in Colombia
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">In the context of the process of population aging, law has an essential role in responding to the needs of the older adult population, so that the incorporation of the law of aging in law schools is essential to ensure a deep and interdisciplinary approach to this phenomenon. The purpose of the text is to propose a new pedagogical approach to address the discussion on old age in law schools, as well as to present the challenges faced in this area. For this purpose, the results of the incorporation of the Experiential Legal Learning methodology in the teaching of Old Age Law in a law school in Colombia are presented, as well as the subsequent realization of a focus group, through which the reflections, difficulties and learning of the students regarding this topic were analyzed. Among the results found, it is evident that from the academy there is a need for a greater development of a «law of old age» that allows contributing to the answers that the law should give to the accelerated process of population aging currently experienced in Latin America.</span></p>Tary Cuyana Garzón Landínez
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811212514010.5354/0719-5885.2024.73457Teaching labor procedural law using an experiential approach: Reflections from a classroom in Bogotá
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">During the first semester of 2023, I was assigned the Labor Procedural Law course at the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and I proposed to redesign the course with experiential learning as the central axis of the course. It was the first time I taught a course with this pedagogical approach. In this article I analyze my own experience designing and teaching this optional course, and I present the results of the qualitative and quantitative evaluation that the students gave to my performance. I present the challenges that its implementation may have (increased workload for students and teacher, need for highly scheduled feedback, need for group work time with increasingly shorter class sessions) as well as its advantages (more personal interaction with students, teamwork under supervision, problem solving, meaningful learning). I conclude by reflecting on what adjustments I should make to the course the next time I teach it.</span></p>Andrés Rodríguez Morales
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811214115610.5354/0719-5885.2024.73310Metacognitive awareness in the writing of legal claims: strategies and representations around legal writing
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">The objective of this study is to describe metacognitive awareness in the academic writing of claims in Law. The methodology corresponds to a qualitative multiple case study, with a sample of five students from the Law degree at the Universidad Católica de Chile. First, a semi-structured interview was conducted to determine the strategies declared by the students when writing demands. Subsequently, the writing of a demand by each student was recorded with the Camtasia program. From this, a comparison was made between the declared strategies and those actually carried out to establish the level of consciousness of the subjects. Among the results, it was obtained that students who had greater awareness had a higher grade than students who were less aware of what they were doing, which was closely related to the strategies that were explicitly taught in classes versus those that were not. Thus, the need for interdisciplinary teaching is proposed, in which there is joint work between the disciplinary teacher and the writing teacher, in order to explain in detail to students the functioning of the production processes when writing legal texts.</span></p>karen Urrejola Corales
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811215718010.5354/0719-5885.2024.73430Legal clinic and link with the environment: A necessary relationship for the teaching of law
<p class="ResumenIngls" style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US">The present study addresses two major topics that are closely linked to each other. The first one, referred to a theoretical analysis that evidences the opportunity that represents in the formative learning process of law students who are inserted in a university legal clinic, their participation in interdisciplinary projects with the environment associated with the link with the environment, which allows their integral development, visualizing attitudes that guarantee a promising professional practice. On the other hand, the study alludes to the empirical aspect, showing the step by step, execution and impact of an interdisciplinary project, describing the intervention carried out in the Santa Juana Commune, in Biobío region, Chile, whose main objective was to encourage the recovery of the family and economic life projects of fourteen families that were affected by the fires of 2023. The proposed intervention model allows the student to acquire the necessary skills to relate to the environment, through learning outside the classroom, which strengthens the vocation by connecting with communities that have various problems, as well as developing citizenship and attitudinal skills that are key to the current and future working world.</span></p>Germán PincheiraCamila Inostroza ReyesDiego Lapostol
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811218119610.5354/0719-5885.2024.73415An educational experience with Kahoot in the subject History of Law in Chile at University of Atacama
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">The arrival of the covid-19 pandemic has brought with it changes in all areas of life, including education at all levels. The need for the abrupt incorporation of technological means into educational processes could have been uncomfortable for a large group of students and teachers. However, it contains a series of benefits, which must be taken advantage of in order to improve the level and quality of education. This article aims to demonstrate innovative educational techniques, through the incorporation of games into university educational processes, hand in hand with the use of new communication technologies as tools. Specifically, we will refer to the incorporation of the Institutional Kahoot Platform at the University of Atacama, and the possibility of using the technique known as gamification through it.</span></p>Pedro Tapia Gallardo
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811219721410.5354/0719-5885.2024.74095Personal data protection: A gap in Chile's curricular design of mediation study programs
<p>Digital technologies bring benefits for people and risks that can impact the enjoyment of fundamental rights. Protecting personal data is a fundamental right that guarantees people the power to control the information that concerns them. The Internet is a digital technology with inherent risks, which reduce the security of personal data. Conflict mediation is one of the scenarios in which both elements come together today: the usual use of digital technologies connected to the Internet and the frequent processing of personal data through them. We hypothesize that mediators in Chile do not have sufficient academic training to guarantee the right to protect the personal data of their users. All mentioned is because the national study programs that qualify to practice as a mediator present a gap in their curricular design regarding personal data protection. To evaluate our hypothesis, we examined the diploma and postgraduate programs in mediation that faculties or Law Schools of accredited universities in Chile taught.</p>Sofía Andrea Alarcón García
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811221523410.5354/0719-5885.2024.70711Gender gaps in self-perceptions of research skills in Law students from two regional Chilean universities
<p>The study examines gender differences in the perceptions of writing and research skills among Law students from two regional universities in Chile. Using a pre-experimental pretest-posttest design with thirty eight participants, students' self-assessments were measured within the framework of specific legal research courses. The results indicate that, although there are improvements in research skills, showing significant differences, these are not observed in writing skills. Additionally, women tend to self-assess lower than men at both points. The gender differences are consistent with the literature on gender gaps in academia, in Law faculties, as well as among Law students. The data highlight the importance of integrating a gender perspective into legal education to address these gaps.</p>Israel González MarinoMaribel Veas AlfaroCarmen Gloria Covarrubias Apablaza
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811223525810.5354/0719-5885.2024.75341The Economics background of a professor of Law: Ricardo Lagos Escobar
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">In 1961, on the recommendation of his mentor, Alberto Baltra, and with a progressive inclination toward academia rather than professional practice as a lawyer, the jurist and future President of the Republic of Chile, Ricardo Lagos Escobar, arrived at Duke University, in North Carolina, United States, to pursue the courses that would lead him first to a Master's degree and then to a Doctorate in Economics. During his stay at this university, Ricardo Lagos studied, among others, subjects such as the history of economic analysis, distribution theory, industrial economics, competition and statistics. This short article tries to reconstruct some aspects of Ricardo Lagos' economic training, especially during those years at Duke University, and which will be fundamental for the contents that he will later teach in his classes once he returns to Chile. This text was prepared from the study of some notes he took in those academic work sessions, which allow us to elucidate his interests in issues of industrial organization, competition and market structures.</span></p>Crispulo Mario Marmolejo González
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811225927410.5354/0719-5885.2024.74337Emotional management for teaching law: A permanent challenge for an education that aims to be critical
<p class="ResumenIngls"><span lang="EN-US">The importance recognized to didactics inserted in formal preschool, primary and secondary education, does not reach the same notoriety in of higher education, especially in law courses. One of the factors that determines this reality is the belief that the pedagogical space in which future lawyers, judges, prosecutors and other legal actors are trained must exclusively seek the development of the cognitive capacities of students. This article aims to open reflection towards spheres of legal training that escape traditional rationality. This is practical-normative research that seeks to advance the discussion on how emotions can be part of the classroom and the didactic-pedagogical concerns of Law professors. To do this, the experience of Professor Senthorun Raj, at Keele University, is called upon. It is concluded that the topic of emotions can be worked on in autonomous subjects or transversally based on a critical-reflective intention. Reflecting on the loyalties of law through emotions is a powerful methodological-critical key.</span></p>Mónica Arnouil SeguelAna Carolina de Faría Silvestre Rodrigues
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho
2024-12-282024-12-2811227528810.5354/0719-5885.2024.73055Legal education and the penitentiary system: A proposal to transcend professional training and influence public criminal policy
<p>The «Sistema Prisional em Vista» is an extension project that originated from the positive feedback of graduates from the Law School at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, who had experienced the program as part of their curricular teaching activities. Comprising three stages—training, field visits to prison institutions, and report writing—the interconnection between the university and the prison system is cultivated with the dual purpose of encouraging a change in perspective on imprisonment, given that current students will become future legal professionals, and of submitting observation reports to the Rio Grande do Sul Penitentiary Council to be considered in the implementation of more effective public security policies. The results indicate that traditional legal education needs to be associated with pedagogical initiatives that provide controlled exposure and opportunities for engaged response to the challenges that legal practice demands from these young professionals in the justice system.</p>Juliane Sant Ana BentoAna Paula Motta CostaNathália Ciotta Nedeff
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho