Nikos Kazantzakis and the mute wainting


  • Carolina Brncić Universidad de Chile


Using two key concepts in existentialist philosophy, "situation" and "limit situation", this article establishes a relation of solidarity between the thought of Nikos Kazantzakis and Karl Jaspers. The dramatic work Comedy...tragedy in one act is analyzed from this existential concept, also establishing some considerations about Jean Paul Sartre's thought on a "theatre of situations". Kazantzakis' work is analyzed taking into consideration elements proper to drama seen from the point of view of the central motif which runs through it, salvation and the pursuit of transcendence. Lastly, the projections of this motif in the whole work of the author are touched upon, as well as the lucidity with which he anticipat es other authors and European tendencies of midtwentieth century.


Existentialism, Drama, Theater of situations.

Author Biography

Carolina Brncić, Universidad de Chile

Doctora© en Filosofía, mención en Estética y Teoría del Arte. Profesora de Literatura Clásica, Literatura Medieval y Literatura Moderna y Contemporánea.en la Universidad de Chile. Fono: 9787137. Chile.