In this paper an attempt is made to reflect and articulate the possibility of conducting a psychoanalytic trauma clinic through digital telecommunication devices, situated in the current context of a pandemic. A study was carried out using concepts such as the notion of the Analyst’s Presence proposed by Jacques Lacan; the principle of proximity suggested by Francoise Davoine and Jean-Max Gaudillière; The Teleanalysis described by Ricardo Carlino; and concepts from the work of Wilfred Bion. The dialogue closes with the presentation of a brief case worked at a distance, trying not only to substantiate its usefulness, but also its relevance as a tool that allows to testify and make people think about the catastrophic for its inscription in History, underlining the need to take an ethical and political stance on the matter.
Trauma, Telenanalysis, Analyst's presence, Proximity, History
es, R. (2022). Is a psychoanalysis’s trauma clinic possible at a distance? Some reflections on teleanalysis in a pandemic situation. Revista Bricolaje, (8). Retrieved from