The advertising management process in Chile; investigation of the main advertisers


  • Pedro Hidalgo C. Universidad de Chile


The purpose of this investigation was to study the advertising management planning process followed by the largest advertisers in Chile. Specifically, I studied the decisions that are framed on the model about the advertising planning process presented in this paper. An analysis was performed of the activities and responsibilities related to the advertising strategy and the activities to which advertisers allot the greatest amount of time; what advertising budgeting methods are used and which are the most important; what criteria are consdiered importat when approving advertisements; what is the relative importance of various factors in media planning, and what testing and measurement techniques are used to determine advertising message effectiveness and how meaningful they are. In line with such purposes, a descriptive study was performed, for the first time in Chile, comprising the 109 largest advertiser in the country, getting a response rate of 56 percent, which represented 28 percent of the total advertising expenditures and 55 percent of the advertising expenditures of the sample frame. The result of the statistical test proved, in general, that the companies follow in then- decisions the recommendations stated by the marketing theoiy, and that they do not show any significant differences among the three types of companies analyzed, on the factors studied on each step of the advertising planning model. A key factor in the result was the fact that the companies directly relate advertising to sale. This is most clear in the analysis of how sales are present on activities receiving time and attention from the executives, in the advertising budgeting methods more used, or in the measurement of advertising effectiveness.


Advertising management planning process, Chile, Descriptive study